Nomination of NI Representatives to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), 2015-2020

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is due to be reconstituted in September 2015. The next term of office will then run from October 2015 to September 2020.

The EESC has 353 members, of whom 24 are from the UK.  The UK’s seats are divided as follows:

  • England 16 full seats
  • Scotland 3 full seats
  • Wales 3 full seats
  • Northern Ireland 2 full seats.

We are seeking two candidates to represent this region.  Applications are invited from across civil society and we are asking your organisation to circulate this opportunity to your members to ascertain if they would be interested in applying.

Please note that these posts are unsalaried and will only attract travel and subsistence.

Applicants should have enough time available to prepare for and attend EESC meetings.  Delegates are expected to spend at least 40-70 days a year in Brussels on Committee business, in addition to time spent conducting research and travelling.

Completed application forms are to arrive no later than 5pm on WEDNESDAY 28 JANUARY 2015 to either the email account or address given on the attached application form.


Last updated 9 years 5 months ago