NICVA webinars free to members

NICVA members now benefit from access to free webinars on a variety of different subjects. This new series of lunchtime webinars provides accessible and cost-effective training for staff, volunteers and board members.

Webinars are a great way to increase your knowledge and skills without having to leave your desk. They are delivered in one-hour sessions and give you useful templates and links to other resources on the topic. Our webinars are interactive and you can use the chat box to ask questions and discuss information. It is easy to log on and you can connect using whatever device suits you best – mac, pc, mobile.

NICVA have planned monthly webinars during lunchtime (1pm-2pm) on the following dates:

If you have any subjects that you would like to be included in our webinar series please contact [email protected] and let us know. We would love to develop the webinar content to meet your needs.

NICVA members can book onto our webinars for free. If you you would like to find out more about becoming a member, please visit our website. (Membership is free to organisations with an income of less than £20,000.)

Last updated 8 years 2 months ago