NIABF- Youth work survey
NIABF co-ordinates Anti-Bullying Week (ABW) where schools & youth groups receive FREE RESOURCES. We would like some feedback on how best we can include youth providers and identify what resources you’d like to receive in ABW 2016.
Anti-Bullying Week (ABW) is coordinated by the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum and takes place from the 14th-18th November and is supported by Translink. NIABF is an interagency group hosted by the National Children's Bureau (NCB) NI and funded by the Department of Education.
Schools and youth groups across Northern Ireland are being encouraged to get involved with Anti-Bullying Week 2016 to register online to receive a free resource pack. This will include presentations, activity plans, project briefs and ABW16 themed posters.
The ABW competition has exciting new opportunities to involve the whole school/youth community, with particular emphasis on engaging adults such as teachers, youth workers, parents and carers in discussing “How we can use our strength together to end bullying”.
Benefits to entering the competition:
Opportunity to understand the nature and complexities of bullying behaviour and how schools/youth groups work collectively with parents/carers to end bullying
Opportunity to highlight key issues in relation to bullying behaviour to both the school/youth group and wider community
Prizes for individual winners and a chance to win £250 worth of resources for your school or group
Improve parental engagement in your school or group
Opportunity to meet other schools and youth groups at a special prize giving event during ABW
A few questions…
We would like some feedback on how best we can include youth providers and identify what resources you’d like to receive in ABW 2016. The survey has only 5 questions and takes 2-3 minutes to complete. We would appreciate any feedback you may have. Thank you :)

Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum
C/o NCB, The NICVA Building
BT15 2GB
United Kingdom