NI Housing Council Awards 2011

The Northern Ireland Housing Council awards each year recognise the valuable contribution made to our society by those professionals working in housing.

This year housing association's contribution was widely recognised.  We are delighted to congratulate our members whose valuable contributon was acknowledged:

Jack Bailie Award
This is presented by the Housing Council to a member of staff who introduces an added value initiative.  In 2011 we were pleased to see Pauline Hart, Project Manager at Inverary House (Open Door HA) a 12 bed supported housing project for people who find themselves homeless, win for the ‘Root Soup’ initiative.

This social enterprise was established to provide training and employment for those who are homeless and those with learning difficulties.  Root Soup provides space for individuals to develop skills, build self esteem and confidence.

The project has been running for around nine months, but has already shown value for money by reducing the support needs of service users and by increasing their skills which improves their employability.

Jack Bailie Award
This is presented by the Housing Council to a member of staff who introduces an added value initiative.  In 2011 we were pleased to see Pauline Hart, Project Manager at Inverary House (Open Door HA) a 12 bed supported housing project for people who find themselves homeless, win for the ‘Root Soup’ initiative.

This social enterprise was established to provide training and employment for those who are homeless and those with learning difficulties.  Root Soup provides space for individuals to develop skills, build self esteem and confidence.

The project has been running for around nine months, but has already shown value for money by reducing the support needs of service users and by increasing their skills which improves their employability.

Jim Speers Award
This award is specifically for housing associations and aims to highlight the work of associations and Trinity Housing’s Ralphs Close, Gransha Park, Londonderry was judged the overall winner. 


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Last updated 12 years 3 months ago