150 older people across Belfast are set to benefit from the roll out of the expanded Housing Support for Older People (HSOP) project across the city.

The project launched by Belfast Lord Mayor Gavin Robinson, provided by Belfast Central Mission (BCM) and funded by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, helps older people live independently in their own homes by offering services such as maintenance, safety and security, as well as other practical and emotional support.  

The service, previously only covering South and East Belfast, will be extended to cover the entire city, serving up to 150 older people over the age of 55, from periods of time of 6 weeks up to 2 years.  

To access the service, older people or their families can contact the project directly. A referral can also be made by any community or hospital based health and social care staff or any other agency working with older people.

Nicky Conway, Deputy Director of BCM said today:

“Since the start of the Housing Support for Older People project in 2007 we have helped over 250 older people to live independently in their own homes. The expansion of the project will see up to 150 older people at any one time now benefit from this service right across the city.

With all the recent negative news about the impact to the elderly in relation to care home provision, this is a timely and necessary expansion of the project so that we can help those over 55 years of age to live full and independent lives in familiar surroundings.

As a charity, BCM has been supporting people in Belfast and beyond since 1889 and continue to do so, particular those most vulnerable in society. We want to continue to help people in need and have plans in place to further develop our services for older people through our diverse professional social care programme and community project.

This project is a great example of how we as a third sector organisation are taking practical steps to progress the Transforming Your Care agenda from government in relation to older people”.

Further information on the service is available from Catherine Apsley on 028 90 245 716 or by emailing [email protected]

Last updated 11 years 1 month ago