New Video Storytelling Project to focus on the Border Region

Tyrone Donegal Partnership has received Peace III Funding on an new visual storytelling project, focusing solely on the Border Region. Entitled “Border Lives”, the project will be funded by Peace III, Theme 1.2 “Acknowledging & Dealing with the Past".

The aim of the project is

“To ensure that the stories and experiences of those living in the Border Region during the N Ireland Conflict, are captured, replicated and shared in innovative ways that are accessible to both new and wider audiences locally, regionally and internationally”

The project will establish a video storytelling website, reflecting 6 key events & over 80 different perspectives of incidents which occurred in the Border Region of Northern Ireland during the Conflict. The project is keen to detail the impact that these incidents had on a personal and wider level, whether it is on their own community, workplace, housing estate, parish etc and within the context of the Conflict.

The project would specifically include the following groups from both sides of the border;

  • Victims and Survivors (including disabled people) ;
  • Wider Public & Community, including displaced persons;
  • Security Forces (Police and Army);
  • Ancillary Services (Ambulance, Firemen, Nurses, Doctors);
  • Customs Officials
  • Ex Combatants from both sides;
  • Younger People;
  • Older People;
  • Women;
  • Black & Minority Ethnic groups;
  • Key influencers (Political, Media, etc);

The project would operate in a number of cross border areas (Donegal, Monaghan, Leitrim, Sligo, Tyrone, Derry, Armagh, Fermanagh, Cavan) including those isolated by border closures and where economic & social development has been inhibited by the conflict , to reach many individuals who may feel they have never had their “story “ heard by others. The project will use a variety of Social Media tools, and “web-viral” style videos to ensure the widest possible audience for these stories to be heard and seen, are reached.

The project is keen to hear from representative groups and individuals who would like to participate in this process. We are particularly keen to speak to people who have not had an opportunity to tell their story, and whose experience has not been documented before in similar type initiatives.

To find out more about the project, you can contact us on 02882 252112


Last updated 11 years 5 months ago