New Trustee For Parkinson's UK, Kyle Alexander

New Trustee for Parkinson's UK Northern Ireland

Parkinson's UK have appointed a new Trustee, Lisburn man, Kyle Alexander.

Kyle was appointed by co-option to the Board of Trustees in August 2018, bringing a Northern Ireland presence to the Board.

As an urban planner, he has been Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of high profile public development corporations in N Ireland and brings experience in governance, business planning and project delivery to the board.

Kyle received an OBE in 2007 for services to regeneration in N. Ireland, having overseen the transformation of Belfast’s waterfront by Laganside Corporation. Having successfully managed the winding up of that organisation, he then led the establishment of the Maze Long Kesh Development Corporation, overseeing the regeneration of this politically sensitive site. Throughout his career he has been committed to both ‘people and place’, engaging with local communities to ensure delivery of social outcomes. In recognition of his contribution he accepted the invitation to be a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors in 2015.

Kyle is currently a Belfast Harbour Commissioner with a particular interest in corporate social responsibility, a trustee of the community led Connswater Community Greenway Trust in East Belfast which is one of three UK projects awarded ‘Living Landmark’ status by the Big Lottery Fund and a trustee of The Waterways Community which promotes activities on waterways that enrich people’s experience and tackle disadvantage.

He was previously involved in international networks as a board member of the global urban development association INTA and a member of the European CABERNET brownfield regeneration network.

He is a trustee and elder of a local church and currently editor of the church magazine. Married and living in Lisburn, his interests include gardening, supporting Manchester United and playing with two young grandchildren!

Kyle was diagnosed as having Parkinson’s in 2016 and having appreciated the support of Parkinson’s UK welcomes the opportunity to help ‘make a difference’ for others.


Last updated 5 years 9 months ago