New #PASS Programme for Young Women 16-24yrs
The new WOMEN’STEC personal development and mentoring programme, #PASS, is for young women aged 16-24, taking place in North Belfast, starting Tuesday, 19th of June! The initial sessions will be limited to a small group, focusing on building up the participants’ confidence. This is a fantastic opportunity for young women in need of a bit of extra support. #PASS will run from Tuesday, 19th of June (2 days per week Tuesday and Weds) 10am – 1pm for 8 weeks!
See flyer for more detail!
Please contact Chloe on 028 9074 9810 or for further details.
This Project is part funded by the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014 - 2020 – Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme.

29 Chichester Avenue
BT15 5EH
United Kingdom