New Children's Day Nursery in Belfast city centre

Puddleducks Day Nursery has opened in Belfast city centre in June 2012. Making a splash in city centre child care.

A new Children’s Day Nursery opened in  Belfast in June 2012, making a splash in city centre child care.  Puddleducks Day Nursery is a purpose built facility in the heart of Belfast and provides child care for over 50 children aged 0-5 years old, a private drop off/pick up area, highly qualified staff, three bespoke rooms and nutritionally balanced meals.  There is also a large outdoor play area and a unique indoor play space. 

Located on Glengall Street (behind the Grand Opera House), Puddleducks is in a prime location and can be easily accessed from main motorway links, public transport systems and is ideally situated for busy mums and dads commuting to the city centre.

Owned and managed by BCM (Belfast Central Mission), who have over 50 years’ experience of working in child care, Puddleducks is run as a social enterprise. All profits will be used to further the work of BCM in the community and allow it to continue to provide support during these tough economic times and well into the future.

When asked about this project BCM Assistant Director Nicky Conway said, “After much research we saw an opportunity to meet the demand in inner Belfast for a facility such as Puddleducks.  It is an exciting project and one that we feel will benefit parents working in Belfast who often have to travel outside of the city centre for good quality professional child care. “

Please come and see us for yourself.

For more information contact Sharon at Puddleducks on 028 90260856 or visit

Last updated 11 years 11 months ago