New campaigners’ forum and expert advice for campaigners in Northern Ireland

People in Northern Ireland can now access an online campaigners’ forum, know-how information and country specific resources to help them campaign more effectively. Information includes understanding the political structures in Northern Ireland and working

People in Northern Ireland can now access know-how information and country specific resources to help them campaign more effectively, including understanding the political structures in Northern Ireland and working with government.

A new online campaigners’ forum has also launched where you can share knowledge and ask questions. You can connect with others who you may not otherwise have the chance to, building coalitions to make your voice stronger.

So people and communities can now feel more confident about speaking out and influencing on the issues that matter to them.

These developments are part of a project to refresh and update Campaign Central.

Hosted by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation (SMK), Campaign Central is an online hub for campaigners, providing resources, advice and giving people a platform to share and raise the profile of their campaign.

Last updated 10 years 6 months ago