MindWise Five day WRAP Facilitator Course

Five day WRAP Facilitator Course, 30th November- 4th December 2015. WRAP is a simple and systematic approach to enable people to maintain wellbeing or to support their recovery. It aims to decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviour


  • Have completed the personal two day WRAP course

  • Be motivated and enthusiastic

  • Be a good communicator


    Cost: £550

    Duration: 5 days


    On completion of this course participants will be qualified as a WRAP facilitator and able to deliver the two day and eight week WRAP programmes.



    How to apply:

    Contact Ashleigh Beggs

    E: [email protected]

    T: 02890 402323


Deadline: Friday 30th October 2015

Feedback from previous WRAP participants:


I have already done the 2 day course and use it for myself and for the clients I work with. Having the 5 day facilitation course means I can now take all that experience, knowledge and skills and use that to train others.


I loved doing this course. It reminded me how and why WRAP works and so has improved my practice...but it also means that I can support others with it from a more knowledgeable perspective.

Last updated 8 years 8 months ago