Millennium Volunteers reaches 200!

Girlguiding North Antrim becomes the 200th group to recognise the contribution of their young volunteers.

Millennium Volunteers (MV) recognises sustained volunteering in young people aged 14-25 and in the past year over 8,000 young people have registered on the programme, with over 550 achieving their Award of Excellence marking 200 hours volunteering.

MV has been designed to be as simple as possible and to work around young people, their studies, job, hobbies and anything else they've got going on.  The Programme, endorsed by employers and universities, offers certificates backed by the Department of Education for the first 50, 100 and 200 hours of volunteering and is a great asset for their CVs, interviews and UCAS personal statements

Wendy Osborne, Chief Executive, Volunteer Now said, "I am delighted that Volunteer Now is celebrating its 200th delivery partner with Girlguiding North Antrim.  Volunteer Now is keen to ensure that all young people are recognised for the valuable contribution that they make to volunteer involving organisations and the MV programme provides a recognised structure for this to occur.  For many employers and education providers it is the young person’s ability to prove sustained commitment, dedication and a willingness to give of their own time and energy without financial gain which is the attraction.  We hear story after story of young people who have gained the dream job or university place as a result of their volunteering experience. We are confident that the young volunteers with North Antrim Girl Guiding will also receive the benefits of their volunteering experience and the recognition through the programme."

The Millennium Volunteer programme is managed in Northern Ireland by Volunteer Now and is funded by the Youth Council for Northern Ireland. Groups of all sizes can register to deliver MV, which is offered free of charge. For more information and a list of current Delivery Partners visit the Volunteer Now website or email [email protected]

Last updated 11 years 9 months ago