Managing Caring - a new course for carers

Carers Northern Ireland and Arthritis Care are running a pilot course to help carers cope with looking after someone with a long-term condition.

Most of us will look after an elderly relative, sick partner or a disabled family member at some point. Caring is part of life but without the right support the personal costs of caring can be high.

Managing Caring offers tips and techniques that will improve carers' health and well-being, and help them gain more control over their own lives.

Based on a successful model developed by Arthritis Care, the course is open to anyone who cares for someone with a long-term condition, not just arthritis.

The course takes place over two morning sessions in Belfast on 16th and 23rd February. Please download the flyer for more information.

Places are limited. To book a place, please download and complete the attached registration form and return it by 10th February.

Last updated 12 years 11 months ago