Man on a Mission Posters

Man Matters has produced a series of six posters depicting a range of men’s issues around the themes of the project which are learning, health, parenting and community work/volunteering.

These modern, bright posters show ordinary local men getting involved in activities which often men are derided for not taking part in!

There are six posters which aim to encourage men to get involved in a number of areas which are important to their lives including:

  • Man on a Mission to get healthy
  • Man on a Mission to get active
  • Man on a Mission to get learning
  • Man on a Mission to help his kids
  • Man on a Mission to help others
  • Man on a Mission to get involved

Man Matters will be distributing these posters to a number of venues across Northern Ireland including GP surgeries, Dentists, Libraries and also to a range of organisations who work with men or who have an interest in men’s issues.

Man Matters hopes that the posters will be prominently displayed in areas where men can see them.  We hope that the posters will challenge stereotypes and encourage local men to take the next step to involve themselves more in their own health and wellbeing and in their family lives and communities.

The full series of posters are available to download and print from  Copies of the posters are also available from Siobhán @ Man Matters by contacting 028 9032 9718 or via e-mail at  [email protected]
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Last updated 10 years 9 months ago