Mama Kaz Tunes in to Cancer Focus

Local singer Mama Kaz is launching a charity single to help Cancer Focus as the official charity for the Deep River Belfast City Half Marathon. The video launch event is on 12th June in the Black Box Belfast - check out a sneak peak of the video here.

Well-known local blues and soul singer/songwriter Mama Kaz has written a catchy anthem to help drum up support for Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, the official charity for the Deep RiverRock Belfast City Half Marathon 2013.

The up-beat song, ‘I’m Gonna Run’, will be played for the first time on Radio Ulster on Ralph McClean’s Local Voices show between 8-10pm on Wednesday 22nd May.

The song will then be available for download on the Cancer Focus website – - for a donation of £2. Get a sneak peak clip of the music video here, which features local girl Katie Murphy from the hit TV show Game of Thrones.

The Music Video has been kindly donated by local film director Stephen Mullan, from Laughter Shed, with the song production donated by Cormac O’Kane Red Box Studios in Belfast.

The charity single and music video will be officially launched in the Black Box, Belfast, on Wednesday 12th June at a special music night with Mama Kaz Band headlining. The event will also include sets from soul and roots band, StormTree, and acoustic duo Het and Jed. Tickets cost £5 on the door or you can book online here.

‘I’m Gonna Run’ is the last song the Mama Kaz Band has recorded together and the Black Box event is a farewell gig as Kaz returned to her solo career as Kaz Hawkins in January to release her debut album in August.

The Belfast singer songwriter, who has supported international names including Van Morrison, has pledged to support Cancer Focus and has even put her name down for the half-marathon’s fun run. Funds raised from the half-marathon will go towards the charity’s Men’s Health Campaign.

“As soon as I heard Cancer Focus was using men’s health as its theme for the half-marathon I knew I had to get involved. The music industry is such a male environment and I count many men among my closest friends,” Kaz said.

“It’s well known that men don’t always take the best care of their health so I’m 100% behind this drive to raise men’s awareness of cancer, its causes and how to prevent it.

“I’ve called my song ‘I’m Gonna Run’ and you will soon be able to download it onto your iPod and run along to the beat. I hope you’ll join me, lace up your training shoes and get to it for your dads, brothers, husbands, sons and friends. It really is a cause worth getting breathless for.”

Joyce Savage, Head of Appeals and Marketing, Cancer Focus, said, “Every year 5,794 local men are diagnosed with cancer – that is 22 men every working day – or two football teams inside 24 hours. Sadly, 2,000 of them die each year.

“Our focus is on raising awareness and reducing local men’s risk of developing cancer later in life.

“You can help us do that. Whether you walk it or run it, whether you participate or sponsor someone, your help and support are invaluable. Please sign up today for your man – and every man.”

For more information about Cancer Focus please call 028 9066 3281 or click on For information about the half marathon email [email protected]

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Marie Foy, PR Officer, Cancer Focus, on

028 9066 3281 / 07736 358692

Last updated 11 years ago