A magical springtime adventure, with Blue and Belle

Saturday 23 April and Sunday 24 April, 11am - 4pm

The Woodland Trust invites families to experience a magical bluebell adventure at Newtownabbey’s Carnmoney Hill. 

Two woodland fairies, Blue and Belle, will lead explorers through this beautiful ancient woodland on an important mission: to save the bluebells from Big Old Foot, a clumsy giant.

The characters are brought to life via an app, which is designed for children and uses the latest augmented reality technology.  Simply download the app and let the fairy tale begin. 

Trail markers will be temporarily positioned throughout Carnmoney Hill over the weekend of Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April, from 11am to 4pm.  Point a phone or tablet at each marker; watch Blue and Belle come to life on the screen; and get ready to help them with their challenge.

Native bluebells are bouncing back throughout the country – a quintessential sign of spring and a natural remedy to shake off the winter blues. 

Often found in ancient woodland, they usually make their debut around mid-April, depending upon region and the amount of sunlight reaching the woodland floor. 

Reports are now suggesting a glimmer of blue throughout the country and the Woodland Trust is calling for the Northern Ireland public to record sightings of flowering bluebells, and other seasonal beauties, as part of its Nature’s Calendar survey. 

Michelle McCaughtry, the Woodland Trust’s people engagement officer, says: “The weekend of the 23 and 24 April brings an unmissable opportunity for families at Carnmoney Hill.  Young minds will be transported on a magical journey thanks to two woodland fairies, Blue and Belle, who must stop the giant from trampling the bluebells.

“And aside from the brilliant adventure on offer thanks to technology, our woods and countryside really are bursting into life right now, with bluebells and hawthorn about to flower.  We’d love grown-ups to take the time to share their seasonal sightings: your records will contribute to scientific research, helping paint a clearer picture of how spring unfolds throughout the country.”

In advance of your visit, download the bluebell app at www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/familytrail

This self-led journey begins at the entrance to Carnmoney Hill via Knockenagh Avenue, just off the O’Neill Road.  From the entrance, directional signs will point the way.

No booking is required.  Please wear sturdy footwear.  The hill is steep in parts and is unsuitable for buggies.  All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Last updated 8 years 2 months ago