Macmillan Volunteers can lend a helping hand in South and East Belfast
You don't have to face cancer alone. We can give you a helping hand.
Cancer is the toughest fight most of us will ever face. We know how hard it is to cope with the physical, practical and emotional effects of cancer.
This can be especially difficult if you don't have family or friends close by or if you worry that you are asking for too much support from the same people over and over again.
The Macmillan team is here to help. We offer local services delivered by our trained volunteers that can give you a helping hand.
Our volunteers can help to make life easier by visiting you regularly and doing housework, shopping or carrying out tasks that you can't do yourself. They'll also be more than happy to sit down, have a chat and listen to how you are feeling.
To use the service you must:
- be aged over 18
- be affected by cancer
- have a need for the service such as isolation, loneliness, lack of support networks or difficulty coping with practical tasks at home
Please note a home visit must be completed prior to the service being offered. Volunteers will not be able to provide assistance with personal care.
What you can expect from our trained volunteers:
- all are carefully selected by Macmillan and undergo thorough background checks
- all carry a Macmillan identity badge with their photo on it
- all receive extensive training to help them provide the best possible support to people living with cancer
- all receive regular supervision from Macmillan when providing a service.
This service is also available in North Down, Ards, Lisburn and South Down.
To find out more please contact Rachel or Sarah on 02890708610 or e-mail

Macmillan Cancer Support
89 Albert Embankment
United Kingdom