Action Cancer

London Marathon Calling!

Closing date for registrations with Action Cancer is 26th February 2021.

Northern Ireland's leading, local cancer charity Action Cancer is calling on all running enthusiasts to sign up to the 2021 London Marathon scheduled to take place on Sunday 3rd October.

The London Marathon is one of the six World Marathon Majors. It has an iconic route passing through famous London districts and past many landmarks, including the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

After the cancellation of the 2020 Marathon, Action Cancer is delighted to have been allocated a limited number of places for this year's event. A fantastic package is available including guaranteed race entry, 3 nights’ accommodation in a 4-star hotel and transfer to the race start.

Participants are required to raise a minimum amount of sponsorship. Action Cancer will provide support and guidance, as well as promotional materials to help runners reach their goal.

42-year-old Carryduff man Gavin Murray has already signed up: “I signed up to take part in the 2020 London Marathon which was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid-19 along with practically every other worldwide marathon last year. I had already started my fundraising and thankfully I was able to transfer my place to this year.

“I started running about four years ago when I took part in the Belfast Marathon to raise money for a stillbirth charity. A friend suggested I join his running club, Crossgar Harriers, to help me train. I really enjoyed the whole experience and found running a great way to keep fit and four years on I’m still a member of the club. Before the pandemic hit, I completed a total of eight marathons including Berlin, Amsterdam and Dublin.

“I chose to support Action Cancer with my London Marathon challenge after seeing various friends and family affected by cancer over the years and I wanted to do something to support local people. The team at Action Cancer organise the race entry and accommodation. All I had to do was focus on training and raising a few quid which wasn’t hard. People are very generous when it comes to raising money for cancer as it is a cause close to so many people’s hearts. Once restrictions lift, I’ll do a bit more.

“The marathon was due to take place in April last year so by the time it was cancelled I was well into my training and up to around 20 miles. I kept running through the first lockdown putting my once-a-day exercise to good use. I still train three times a week and having the marathon to look forward to in October is good motivation to keep going, as well as keeping me physically fit and mentally healthy.

I would encourage anyone wanting to achieve something in 2021 to sign up to the London Marathon with Action Cancer. There is plenty of time to train between now and October. Action Cancer will help you with the fundraising and you will be saving lives. It’s a no brainer!”

Action Cancer’s Community Fundraising Manger Leigh Osborne added: “After months of cancelled events, Action Cancer is delighted to offer this opportunity to participate in one of the world’s most popular marathons. We hope to raise in excess of £15,000 which would allow us to provide 125 women with breast screening appointments, or 370 counselling appointments for individuals or families affected by cancer. Every runner who signs up will receive support from our dedicated fundraising team to help reach their fundraising target. We have always received generous support from the general public and local business community. Thanks to them we have been able to continue to provide our life saving and support services throughout this current crisis.”

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Action Cancer has adapted its services so that these can be delivered safely face-to-face with the use of PPE and stringent sanitising measures (in line with government guidelines) or they have been moved to a virtual delivery format. 

Having to necessarily close its doors in March 2020 due to the pandemic, Action Cancer recommenced its breast cancer screening programme in mid-August for women aged 40-49 and over 70 (outside of NHS screening age range) and has since screened over 2,000 women.

Therapeutic Services and Health Promotion departments became operational again in October with the staff team moving many services, which were previously delivered face-to-face, to online or over the phone delivery. 

Action Cancer would like to encourage members of the public to avail of the support which is currently on offer at Action Cancer House in Belfast or online/via telephone. Visit or call 028 9080 3344.

To get more information on how to sign up to Action Cancer's London Marathon Team, get in touch on [email protected] or call Community & Public Fundraising Manager, Leigh Osborne on M. 07928 668543.


Last updated 3 years 5 months ago