One of Northern Ireland’s leading mediation providers has announced that it has received accreditation from the Chartered Trading Standards Institute for consumer mediation.


The Dispute Resolution Service (DRS), which is administered by the Law Society of Northern Ireland, is the only mediation provider based in Northern Ireland offering accredited mediation services and mediators.

The announcement of accreditation of the DRS was made at an event at the Northern Ireland Assembly buildings attended by MLA’s and representatives from business, community, voluntary and legal sectors.

Those attending the event were provided with an overview of the Dispute Resolution Service and told of the growing importance of mediation by the Courts and the Judiciary who advocate its use as a quicker and more cost effective way of resolving business and consumer disputes without having to go to Court.

The event also highlighted an important development which will now affect local businesses in Northern Ireland.

The European Consumer Mediation Directive, which is now in force, requires that all businesses throughout Northern Ireland must advise consumers in their terms and conditions if they offer mediation as a means to resolve any potential dispute and what mediation provider they suggest using.

Speaking at the mediation event, Mr Brian Speers, Chairman of the Dispute Resolution Service said;

“It is important that consumers and businesses throughout Northern Ireland are aware of what mediation is, understand how it can help them and that it is accessible through the accredited Dispute Resolution Service.

For local consumers it is provides an alternative way of attempting to resolve their dispute which is free and often quicker.

For local businesses they are now required by the European Consumer Mediation Directive to consider mediation with regards to consumer disputes.

The cost to local businesses is minimal and the potential benefits in terms of overall cost savings underscores the effectiveness of mediation as a consumer dispute solution.

We are delighted that the Dispute Resolution Service is the only mediation provider based in Northern Ireland to be fully accredited by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute for consumer mediation.

We would encourage consumers and local businesses to find out more about how mediation can help them by contacting the DRS and visiting www.mediatorsni.com”.

 In the photo - Brian Dolaghan, Invest NI, Alan Hunter, Law Society Chief Executive, Brian Speers, DRS Chair, Anne Beggs, Invest NI, Colum Eastwood MLA & Michael Bready Mediator/Barrister

Last updated 7 years 5 months ago