Local Companies at the Forefront of Pitch Side Trauma Care

Belfast-based industrial sewing contractor, Uselect, has teamed up with Vivomed, a specialist sports medicine supply company based in Downpatrick, to develop a spinal trauma bag for the Premiership Rugby Union club, London Irish.

The trauma bag is the club’s latest development in a wider initiative to improve player welfare and safety. The bag contains emergency medical equipment for the immobilisation and safe transport of players who have sustained an actual or suspected spinal injury, including a Spinal Board, Head Immobiliser and Fracture Immobilisers.

“Player welfare is the number-one priority in professional sport. Impact injuries are common in contact sports such as rugby and football and a dedicated spinal trauma bag in these sports will allow those providing medical treatment to deliver the best possible pitch side care,” explains Chris Webb, Business Development Manager for Vivomed. “We work with elite sports teams worldwide to protect and support their players through the supply of specialist sports medicine and physiotherapy equipment.”

Local industrial sewing specialists, Uselect, in operation since 1962, partnered with Vivomed to design and manufacture a customised holdall for the safe storage and transport of the required contents. Made from heavy duty nylon fabric, the bag is designed to be weather resistant, durable and lightweight, with easy access to the main compartment and separate exterior pockets for the organisation and quick retrieval of each item.

“As a high-mix, low-volume manufacturer, our business has the flexibility to support customers with high quality, customised products in small quantities, as per the requirement of London Irish,” says Liz Crawford, Sales Executive for Uselect. “We have worked together with Vivomed for more than 10 years on the delivery of purpose-designed cases and carriers for a multitude of applications and purposes across a wide range of professional and community sports.”

Last updated 8 years 6 months ago