Loans for Mortgage Interest-What you need to know 7 March 10.00am

Housing Rights are offering members a FREE session on Loans for Mortgage Interest. In April Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) becomes a loan which will be secured on the claimants home. This essential session will prepare attendees for the change.

Thousands of Northern Ireland households rely on Support for Mortgage Interest to help pay their mortgage. From April the benefit will become an interest bearing loan so it is vital to understand the new system. This essential overview session will cover:

  • An overview of Support for Mortgage Interest/Loan for Mortgage Interest
  • The potential implications of a charge against the home
  • The circumstances that may trigger repayment of the loan
  • An understanding of the increased difficulties for clients facing repossession
  • The longer term implications

This session will be held at Housing Rights offices at Middleton Buildings 10-12 High Street Belfast

Email [email protected] to reserve your space.

Last updated 6 years 4 months ago