‘Living Spaces’, Urban Stewardship and Design Manual for Northern Ireland consultation

NICVA would like to invite our members and the wider voluntary and community sector to submit an initial consultation response to inform the early stage of this design manual.

The Paul Hogarth Company has been appointed by the Department of the Environment to prepare an Urban Stewardship and Design Manual for Northern Ireland. NICVA would like to invite you to submit an initial consultation response to inform this early stage in the process.

It is intended that the manual will be used by all Departments forwarding any project within their remits, built environment professionals, community groups and users of our streets and spaces; and will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. The Design Manual will describe the means to integrate and provide local involvement in stewardship and design of spaces.  A copy of the project specification can be downloaded below.

At this stage of the process, NICVA would like to invite organisations to submit a consultation response on this issue. You may wish to indicate, potential features of this document which you may find useful to your organisation or prevalent issues regarding urban stewardship and design in Northern Ireland that you would like to see addressed. There will be an opportunity to comment further during the formal consultation period on the draft document at a later date.

Initial consultation feedback is welcomed by 30 June 2012 to [email protected] or via post to:

The Paul Hogarth Company

Landscape architecture and urban design

Potters Quay

5 Ravenhill Road



Last updated 6 years 7 months ago