Lisburn Social Enterprise Hub Launching Friday 7 November
Thinking about starting a social enterprise but need guidance and support to turn your ideas into a reality? The South Eastern Social Enterprise Hub can you help you with free support including mentoring, training, action planning and test trading space.
The new South Eastern Social Enterprise Hub, which comprises Downpatrick and Lisburn premises, is one of eleven new Hubs established across the nine Social
Investment Zones under the Northern Ireland Executive’s Delivering Social Change Framework.
We will be launching the Lisburn Hub on Friday 7 November from 10:30 am - 12 noon. If you are interested in finding out about what we do and registering for the event please confirm your attendance by emailing by Monday 27 October.
With £4million of funding from the Executive’s DeliveringSocial Change Fund, the initiative will tackle poverty,dereliction and unemployment by encouraging social
enterprise business start-up within local communities.