Life Therapies Launches Autism / Neuro Diversity Clinic

Life Therapies offers diagnostic assessments across the whole lifespan for those who are suspected to have ASD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, AD(H)D, dyscalculia or other neurological / developmental differences.

Autism / Neuro Diversity Clinic

Autism / Neuro Diversity Clinic

Life Therapies provides specialist services across all age ranges affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, AD(H)D and other neurological / developmental differences. Our services are aimed at unlocking potential, raising the awareness of these conditions and providing support to enhance lives whether it is within the workplace, school setting or at home.

Our professionals adopt a positive psychology approach, focusing on the science of well-being and optimal functioning, believing that everyone should be given the opportunity to ‘flourish’ – to be able to live within an optimal range of human functioning, one that connotes goodness, growth, and resilience, particularly those individuals who live with neurological differences.

Our service is holistic in nature and includes;

Autism / Neuro Diversity Clinic – Assessment:

Life Therapies offers diagnostic assessments across the whole lifespan for those who are suspected to have ASD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, AD(H)D, dyscalculia or other neurological / developmental differences.

A Life Therapies Chartered Psychologist will conduct an assessment using various assessment techniques to determine the existence of a neurological /developmental condition.  The psychologist will then provide a written report and identify any recommendations to be put in place. In order to provide a thorough diagnostic and advisory service, Life Therapies provides a comprehensive range of services.  These can include;

  • ASD child assessments. These assessments typically take at least 4 hours, and involve detailed developmental history interview with parents/carers, and a one-to-one play based assessment and observation with the child.
  • ASD adult assessments. These typically take around 2-3 hours. Assessment includes interview, presentation of structured and standardised psychometric and cognitive tasks, and where possible developmental history information from a family member.
  • Cognitive Functioning Assessment – to gain an overview of abilities including short term visual memory, short term auditory memory, verbal comprehension, and perceptual organisation;
  • Reading, Writing and Spelling Analysis – to assess literacy attainment and identify any specific problem areas;
  • Assessment of Mathematical Skills – to identify specific areas of under-performance;
  • Visual Perception & Motor Co-ordination Assessment – to assess the extent to which an individual can integrate their visual and motor abilities.

For the employee in the workplace, the following additional services are offered;

  • Workplace Needs Assessment – to determine how the employee’s difficulties affect them at work and to recommend strategies to address these issues;
  • Adult Learner’s Profile – a service offered in conjunction with a Workplace Needs Assessment for employees who have previously undergone a diagnostic assessment. This will also support in identifying their preferred learning style.








Autism / Neuro Diversity Clinic – Therapeutic Work

Many families of those with a diagnosis of ASD and other neurological / developmental differences and individuals themselves, have times when they need support, information and advice.  This can include decisions on choice of therapy, educational or intervention services; issues relating to relationships; advice on deeper understanding of the meaning of the diagnosis; vocational issues; associated mental health difficulties; and nutritional advice.

Life Therapies provides advice and information to help families understand and cope with the difficulties they face. Practitioners draw on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness and positive psychology approaches. Individual therapists can add other skills which are valuable and helpful in working with individuals with ASD and other developmental / neurological difficulties. These skills include Psychotherapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation, (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and relaxation techniques including mindfulness.

Specialist Services

1. Children and Families

Life Therapies can provide hands-on-practical advice to support families of individuals with ASD, and other neurological/ developmental differences including support to parents to gain a better understanding of their child’s profile and provision of training to assist with day to day life and the challenges this can present. Our services can help you;

  • Effectively teach your children to manage and self-regulate their emotional states
  • Dealing with communication and learning frustrations
  • Building a more effective emotional vocabulary
  • Working out your child’s successful learning style
  • Playing with and talking to your child that means they hear and see what you are saying
  • Using and reinforcing a spelling and reading strategy that works
  • Helping your child deal with and let go of the negative feelings associated with learning


2. Nutrition

Life Therapies Clinic offers nutritional support and advice for improvement and management of autistic symptoms.

ASD is a complex and increasingly common condition, current estimates are that it affects half a million people in the UK. Within Life Therapies we give gut health its place as an important aspect of the overall health of every person.  The incredibly diverse range of illnesses and emotional, physical and mental health problems which can be directly linked to disturbances in bowel health are growing daily. In the clinic we aim to resolve underlying digestive issues by identifying the triggers.

Our complementary health practitioner can establish through a series of muscle tests, where your particular problem may be located in the digestive tract, establish food sensitivities, treat the affected area and ascertain which nutritional supplements may help to restore digestive health.

There is growing evidence that nutritional therapy can really make a big difference to children with autism. Many have digestion disturbances, so restoring balance in the gut is a vital focus for nutritional therapy. It has also been established that balancing blood sugar, and attempting to exclude food additives, as well as ensuring an optimal intake of essential fats may make a huge difference to the symptoms experienced.

3. Workplace

A workplace needs assessment identifies suitable recommendations to minimise the difficulties experienced by individuals with ASD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, AD(H)D, and other neurological / developmental differences.  It provides an assessment of their working environment, in addition to recommended adjustments that could support the employee with their difficulties. A Life Therapies Practitioner will conduct an open-ended interview with the employee about their current job role. Then a workplace needs assessment report is compiled. Life Therapies can deliver support training in order to create tailored interventions which can be used to help improve employee’s skills, such as reading, writing and memory. Advice and training can be provided in the following areas;

    • Reading
    • Writing & Typing
    • Spelling
    • Organisation & Prioritisation
    • Note Taking
    • Speaking
    • Time Management
    • Listening & Concentrating
    • E-mails
    • Working Environment
    • Career Goals
    • Confidence
    • Resilience development
Last updated 6 years 11 months ago