Let’s Talk Success

Let’s Talk Success is the Lifestart Foundation’s new one-to-one speech, language and communication initiative.


Jointly funded by the Western Outcomes Group and Lifestart, the Let’s Talk Success will be available to parents of children from birth to five in the following Western Board areas: Derry/Londonderry, Strabane, Limavady, Enniskillen and environs. 

Aimed at supporting parents to develop speech, language and communication skills in their children; the initiative will promote school readiness and reduce barriers to learning. 

Parents will learn how to:

Ø      Talk to and communicate with their children

Ø      Actively listen and respond to their children

Ø      Provide age appropriate activities which promote language development

Ø      Make the most of everyday activities to develop speech and understanding

Ø      Develop a good learning environment in the home 

Dependent on identified need four to six Let’s Talk Success sessions will be made available to families in their own homes over the months of February and March 2013.  

Referrals can be made directly to the Lifestart Foundation – a designated form is available and referrals will be accepted by email or over the telephone.  (Forms to be completed ASAP) 

Referrals can be forwarded by anyone working directly with families who have children in the designated age group, birth to 4 years, including:

Ø      Parents - through self referral

Ø      Nursery / Primary schools

Ø      Social Work Teams

Ø      Health Visitors

Ø      Community Organisations 

Given the very short timescale and limited places (70 families across the Western Board area) referrals should be submitted as quickly as possible – sessions begin on Monday, 4th February. 

Please note that the initiative is currently not available to families resident in SureStart areas. 

For further information contact:

Karen or Emma   Tel: 02871 365363

Email: karen@lifestartfoundation.org  or headoffice@lifestartfoundation.org

Last updated 12 years 2 months ago