Let’s celebrate the brighter side of business!

Let’s celebrate the brighter side of business!

Business in the Community is calling on Northern Ireland organisations to share their ‘good’ business stories during Responsible Business Week 24-28 April

BUSINESS in the Community is encouraging businesses across Northern Ireland to share their ‘good’ business stories during Responsible Business Week (#RBweek) which will take place from 24-28 April 2017.


Responsible Business Week (or #RBweek as it is more fondly known), is an annual awareness week organised by Business in the Community and supported by SPAR in Northern Ireland. This year, Responsible Business Week will focus on what it means to be a responsible business in a digital era, while continuing to champion responsible business, and encourage organisations to use the week as a platform to share the good work they do throughout the year.


Kieran Harding, Managing Director, Business in the Community NI explains: “We all know there are two sides to every story, and the brighter side of business is a story worth telling. Our latest research shows that Northern Ireland business has truly embraced the responsible business agenda, with more than 250 businesses here formally embracing CR/CSR, and of those, 75% are measuring and a further 69% are reporting on their activities and impacts*.


“This is fantastic news and we want to encourage even more local organisations to get involved and make a positive difference in our communities, environment and economy. Responsible Business Week is the ideal platform for doing this. It is a great opportunity for organisations to share the good they have been doing, and help to raise awareness of responsible business.”


Sam Davidson, HR Director at the Henderson Group, owners of the SPAR franchise, explains why SPAR is supporting Responsible Business Week for the third year in Northern Ireland: “Being responsible is at the very core of our organisation. As a locally-grown business, we take corporate responsibility and the impact that we have on our local communities very seriously.


“We are very proud to sponsor #RBweek once again this year. We’ve supported it in Northern Ireland since its inception and we’re delighted with how the initiative has grown year-on-year. It’s a fantastic platform for raising the profile of responsible business and highlighting the wonderful things that businesses across Northern Ireland are doing.”


To find out more about Responsible Business Week, visit www.bitcni.org.uk/rbweek or search for the hashtag #RBweek on twitter to join the conversation.

Last updated 7 years 2 months ago
Let’s celebrate the brighter side of business!