Less than week to go- Suicide Prevention What works? Conference 17th November Belfast

Contact Suicide Prevention - What Works? Conference, Thursday 17th November, Titanic Centre, Belfast. Guaranteed to be a challenging and thought provoking event -this year's theme -'Speaking Truth to Power'.


Programme and Booking available here tickets £50/£35  http://bit.ly/2eARGnh

Invoicing option also availble;

The annual Suicide Prevention-What Works? Conference organised by Northern Ireland  crisis counselling and suicide prevention charity Contact, takes place in the Titanic Centre, Wednesday 17th November.

This year’s conference theme is a challenging one, ’Speaking Truth to Power’, with much of the afternoon dedicated to hearing directly from parents bereaved by suicide.

Each parent will address how their family experience of health and justice system played an inadvertent yet preventable contributory role in their loved ones death by suicide.

Contact is also delighted to see the return of UK pioneer of Zero Suicide in healthcare systems, Dr Joe Rafferty, CEO Mersey Care NHS Trust. Dr Rafferty will update delegates on the progress of Mersey Care Zero Suicide five year strategic policy initiative, which the Trust embarked on in 2015. Dr Rafferty will provide examples of successes since implementing Zero Suicide approach one year ago.

Expert panel members for the afternoon session at conference include:

Les Allamby, Chief Commissioner, NI Human Rights Commission; John Devaney,QUB; Joe McCrisken, Coroner; Joe Rafferty, CEO Mersey Care; John Kyle, GP (PUP city councillor and Contact Board Member); Dr John Devaney Senior Lecturer SW QUB & NI Safeguarding Board; Prof Siobhan O’Neill, UU Health Sciences (expert suicide prevention research).  

NI parents bereaved by suicide attending  the conference include:

Maurice Campbell, Gerard McCartan, Harry Sharkey

UK parents bereaved by suicide attending the conference include:

Dr Sangeeta Mahajan, Steve Mallen, Carolyn Done 

Last updated 7 years 7 months ago