
Launch of Social Enterprise NI Awards 2022

10th Anniversary Social Enterprise NI Awards 2022

We are delighted to launch Social Enterprise NI Annual Social Enterprise NI Awards 2022 to be held on Friday 14th October at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belfast.  


This is the 10th Anniversary of the organisation, and we will welcome almost 500 guests from across the social enterprise, private and public sectors to showcase all that is good with Social Enterprise here in Northern Ireland.


Our host for the evening will be Social Enterprise NI Ambassador Cate Conway who will guide us through the award categories on the night.

 As ever we have a range of differing categories to reward the most outstanding in our sector across differing areas of expertise and experience. This year, we will be doing things a little differently including having a public vote on some categories. Watch our social media to find out more.


The Awards evening will also recognise someone form the sector who will be recognised for their outstanding contribution to the sector by the award of the Lifetime Achievement Award.


We are delighted that Minister for the Economy Gordon Lyons was available to launch the Awards along with Social Enterprise NI’s Amanda Johnston and our Social Enterprise Ambassador Cate Conway.  Social Enterprise NI is appreciative of the Departments support and focus on developing the social economy in NI.


Economy Minister Gordon Lyons said: “The sector has shown amazing resilience over the last two years and our social enterprises continue to play a key role in rebuilding and reshaping of our local economy. I am sure the Social Enterprise NI Awards will once again act as a platform for promoting the excellent work that our social enterprise sector does across Northern Ireland throughout the year.”


Could your organisation perhaps be a winner this year?


Entries are NOW OPEN.

 To download an application pack, click here 

Last updated 2 years ago