Launch of HSC Bereavement Network Website

The HSC Bereavement Network launched its website on 20th May 2015

This HSC Bereavement Network website  has been developed to provide information, guidance and resources for those who care for and support people around the time of death and bereavement. For example, in the Care after Death section, the reader can access information on the wide range of professions and services bereaved people may come into contact with as a result of a death.  Explanation of their role and responsibilities, the individuals and agencies they work alongside or link with and the factors that support and enhance the standard of bereavement care they deliver is provided.

Bereaved people who access the site will be signposted to organizations that provide advice and support.

If you would like  further information about the website do not hesitate to contact one of the Trust Bereavement Coordinators for your area .

If you wish to make a request to for information to appear on this site  e.g.  If your service/organization provides care or support to bereaved people or you have an event to publicize etc.,  please complete the attached form or contact a Bereavement Coordinator at the contact details below:


Belfast Trust


Heather Russell


028 90633904




Northern Trust


Gwyneth Peden


028 94424992



South Eastern Trust


Paul McCloskey


028 90553282




Southern Trust


Anne Coyle


028 38613861



Western Trust


Carole McKeeman

028 7134 5171

Ext. 214184



Last updated 9 years 7 months ago