Launch of "Between Ourselves - exploring interculturalism through intercommunity creative practice"

Community Arts Partnership launched on Thursday 1st October, in Stomont, the book "Between ourselves – exploring interculturalism through intercommunity creative practice", edited by Dr Shelley Tracey and Conor Shields.

This book is intended as a source of information and a practical resource for artists, arts managers, educators, policy makers, community organisations and individuals and groups interested in intercultural theories and practice.

“Between Ourselves” invites readers to move between diverse perspectives themselves by offering opportunities for reflection and offers some dialogue about the challenges that face our community and how we might address them, in building a more harmonious and inclusive future.

Within the book we explore, with support from literature and practice, how the arts open up our capacity for reflection. We also look at where the arts, and community arts practice in particular, have the potential to foster intercultural dialogue. And we draw upon the experiences of arts organisations, theorists and practitioners, identifying aspects of intercultural theory and practice to illustrate the transforming potential that the arts can bring.

A free taster is available here.

The full book is available for £5 (plus postage and packing) - contact Gordon Hewitt, Information and Policy Manager at [email protected].

Last updated 8 years 8 months ago