Latest Funding Opportunity for the Community and Voluntary Sector - Aspire Restorative Interventions 2018-2019
Aspire Restorative Interventions 2018-2019
This service is to be commissioned from a DOJ accredited organisation in the Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS), to provide a bespoke service which will deliver a range of restorative interventions to adult offenders subject to PBNI supervision. This service will complement PBNI’s Aspire project, working with young men aged 16-30, throughout NI, who are subject to Probation supervision. It also incudes the Enhanced Combination Orders project, a community based alternative to custody in the Armagh & South Down and Ards Court areas. The successful applicant will deliver the required service from 1st April 2018 – 31 March 2019, although this may be extended subject to funding.
PBNI invites applications from organisations that can meet the requirements and deliver on the objectives of the project in the Community and Voluntary Sector. The grant award for this service will be made on the basis of merit demonstrated by the content and quality of the submitted application.
For more information on how to apply please click here to go to the PBNI website. Closing date for completed applications is on 4pm on Friday 9th March 2018.

Probation Board for Northern Ireland
80-90 North Street
United Kingdom