Last chance to have your say!

Belfast City Wide Scoping Study - Closes Friday 5pm

As part of the Healthy Hearts / Chronic Conditions Prevention Programme, we have been tasked by PHA/LCG to work with a wide range of service providers (community, voluntary and statutory) from across Belfast to complete an exercise to scope services currently available across 4 key themes – Diet & Nutrition, Physical Activity, Stress Management and Smoking Cessation. 

The purpose of the Scoping Study is to inform the development of a commissioning specification being written by PHA regarding chronic conditions (likely to be out to tender sometime post Spring 2015), as well as potential future commissioning specifications.  However, a range of reports will be developed which will be useful to a range of stakeholders across the city as a result of the study.  These will include citywide thematic reports (Diet & Nutrition;  Physical Activity etc.), 4 area based reports (East Belfast, North Belfast incorporating Greater Shankill, South Belfast and West Belfast) and a citywide overview.


Please use the link below to complete the survey



Last updated 9 years 5 months ago