Kindercare Fostering – the springboard to a brighter future

Kindercare Fostering Northern Ireland has said that Looked After Children need “a springboard to the future – not just a safety net”.

Speaking ahead of an event celebrating “inspiring outcomes” for children and young people, Chief Executive Iain Anderson said that he was “immensely proud” of Kindercare’s achievements:

“Over the last two years we have changed the lives of over 75 children and young people, helping them navigate a wide range of life challenges. From April 2012 to March 2013, 24% of children in our care were supported to return home, and a further 17% were supported to move onto their permanent family through adoption.”

Having recently made the move to not for profit status, Kindercare continues to work closely with Health and Social Care Trusts across Northern Ireland to identify and meet the needs of the young people in their care.

Iain Anderson said: “We believe this approach fits with both how we as an organisation want to operate within Northern Ireland, and how our service should be delivered to support the fostering services throughout the province.

“Watching children and young people blossom, thanks to the loving, secure and safe environments provided by our professional carers, is hugely rewarding. Because of the skills and commitment of those individuals and families, and indeed the high level of support we are able to offer, Kindercare is today celebrating immensely positive outcomes for children with often complex needs."

Niall Kerr, service manager at Kindercare Fostering Northern Ireland, said that the local team had no doubt about the impact of their work: “We witness first-hand the benefits of family-based placement. We see children and young people thrive within dedicated, loving families, to the extent that one young person who had missed most of an academic year, as a result of serious personal and family difficulties, was subsequently appointed Head Girl of her school, and is now attending University.

“We have a social work team who passionately believe in the high level of support, guidance and training we deliver to carers to ensure positive outcomes for children and young people. In combination with our immensely committed foster carers, we can enable children to reach their full potential by providing a springboard to the future – not just a safety net.”

Fostering is a highly demanding but extremely rewarding step to take. Kindercare Northern Ireland has fully qualified social workers and staff on hand to ensure that foster carers are fully supported, and that new applicants can be quickly assessed to become foster carers.

If you have at least one spare bedroom in your home, experience in caring - preferably with children, and the time, energy and caring persona to support a child/young person, then fostering could be for you.

Contact the team at Kindercare Northern Ireland to find out more on 028 9094 1690.


Last updated 10 years 7 months ago