Keeping Adults Safe Trainers’ Celebration Event

A celebration event took place recently in the Dunadry Hotel, Antrim to recognise 20 individuals from a range of volunteer involving organisations who achieved accreditation as Keeping Adults Safe Trainers through Volunteer Now.


The celebration provided the opportunity to highlight the work of the Keeping Adults Safe Initiative which is currently supported through funding by the Health and Social Care Board and to recognise those involved in the success of this programme.


The policy, legislative and procedural context in which adult safeguarding activity takes place in Northern Ireland has steadily developed over the course of the last 15 years.  Those present were congratulated by Volunteer Now Chief Executive Wendy Osborne for being part of this wider safeguarding landscape, and for being part of the driving force to see real improvement in the lives of vulnerable people.


The key note speaker for the event was Joyce McKee, Regional Adult Safeguarding Officer from the Health and Social Care Board who spoke on “Learning the Lessons from Safeguarding Investigations”.  The Minister for Health Social Services and Public Safety sent a letter congratulating those present and acknowledging the contribution to adult safeguarding made by Volunteer Now.


For more information on the Keeping Adults Safe Initiative please visit our website:  


Last updated 9 years 11 months ago