JAM Card goes to Enniskillen

An innovative scheme designed by and for people with learning difficulties to improve their access to goods and services is being launched in Enniskillen as part of an inclusive night of dance, film and entertainment in partnership with local social enter

The JAM Card (an abbreviation of ‘Just a Minute’) is a credit card-sized information card that people with learning disabilities/difficulties can carry and use to alert staff in retail outlets, public/private transport providers and other areas of public life that the card-holder needs ‘Just a Minute’ of patience and time when interacting with you.


The card was designed by the service users of NOW Group, the Belfast-based social enterprise that supports people with barriers to employment and learning into the workforce across Northern Ireland, and has been rolled out in the city to great success.


Now the JAM Card scheme is Fermanagh-bound and will be unveiled in Enniskillen on Tuesday, March 24th, when Black Moon, a Belfast-based club night and film club by and for people with learning difficulties, will be holding a ‘Grease’ theme night at the town’s Bush Bar.


Local people of all learning abilities are being encouraged to dress up in Grease-themed clothes and come and enjoy a great night of entertainment that kicks-off at 7pm and includes a screening of the cult 70s film followed by a disco.  There will also be plenty of dancing led by local company Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre and not forgetting loads of information about the JAM Card.


Jayne McStay, NOW Group’s Community Engagement Manager, and Sarah Jones, Manager of Belfast’s Black Box venue which hosts Black Moon events, said they were excited to be coming to Enniskillen.


“Black Box and NOW Group have been working closely for the past few years to help improve the available social options for people with learning difficulties living in Belfast, so we’re really looking forward to bringing both Black Moon and the JAM Card to Enniskillen” said Jayne.


“The Black Moon Club and Film Club is a safe and inclusive environment for people of all learning abilities to socialise and enjoy entertainment in Belfast and the Grease theme night we have lined-up for March 24th at The Bush Bar will be no exception,” added Sarah.

“As well as a great film and great music, Fermanagh’s Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre will be on hand to get everyone dancing and having fun.”


Speaking about the JAM Card, Jayne continued: “The JAM card was the idea of members of our ‘Kidnap Wednesday’ social forum, which meets every Wednesday in the Black Box venue and gives NOW Group’s service users and other people with learning difficulties the chance discuss the issues they face living day-to-day in Belfast with a disability.  Kidnap Wednesday members used to speak about  they often felt under pressure when they were out and about in every-day life and would like a discreet way of letting people know that they needed ‘Just a Minute’ of time and patience.  So with NOW Group’s help, the JAM Card was born.


“Kidnap Wednesday members helped design the card, which has a distinctive, colourful jam jar logo on one side with instructions on the opposite side asking people to “Please be patient.  I have a learning disability/difficulty”. It was officially launched in Belfast City Hall in 2012 to great success, with over 2,000 cards currently circulated across the Greater Belfast area.  We cannot wait to unveil it in Enniskillen on March 24th.”


Helen Sharp from Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre said: “We are really delighted to be working with Black Moon and NOW Group in bringing these fantastic initiatives to the South West of the country. We believe that dance and social interaction is a powerful tool for wellbeing and we wanted to improve provision for adults with learning and physical difficulties in our region. We’re extremely excited to partner with NOW Group in the launch of the JAM card and hope that Fermanagh welcomes this initiative with open arms. The Bush Bar has been fantastic in supporting the project and we hope to see lots of people on the dance floor on March 24th.” 

The Grease theme night, hosted by Black Moon in association with Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre and NOW Group, takes place at The Bush Bar, Enniskillen, at 7pm on Tuesday, March 24th.  Admittance is just £3 with a reduced rate of £1 for families and carers.

For more information on the event, visit http://www.blackboxbelfast.com/projects/

 PICTURE CAPTION: Members of NOW Group's 'Kidnap Wednesday' social forum outside Belfast's Black Box, where they meet every Wednesday afternoon. - See more at: http://www.nowproject.co.uk/news-blog#sthash.jZJd7IZ4.dpuf

Last updated 9 years 3 months ago