It Will Never Happen to Me

Householders urged to insure their house contents.

Just a few months ago families across Northern Ireland had to face up to the reality of replacing carpets and furnishings after the heavy rain caused flooding in their homes. Some did not have their possessions insured.

Both the Housing Executive and housing associations will carry out repairs to the structure of their properties. It is, however, the tenant’s responsibility to have insurance cover for personal property, furnishings and the decoration of their home.

A Housing Executive spokesperson explained:

"For many, with competing pressures on the household budget, house contents insurance may not seem a priority. But we are urging everyone, including Housing Executive and housing association tenants, to have their possessions insured. If you do not have insurance for your personal property, you run the risk of having to find all the money necessary to repair or replace items that have been damaged."

The spokesperson concluded:

"Over the past few years there have been many examples of extensive damage being caused by flooding, fire and severe cold spells resulting in burst pipes. Many of those affected had no insurance."

There are numerous contents insurance policies available and you can obtain details by looking in yellow pages or contacting your local insurance broker. Alternatively, visit Supporting Communities NI website or NI Direct's website for more information.


Press contacts: For further information contact Wenda Mason, NIHE Central Information Tel 028 9031 8703

Last updated 11 years 7 months ago