IT Can Help October 2011 report

An update on the move to AbilityNet. Rumination on the involvement of OT's in ICT. A brief report on the Business in the Community Connect-Ability exhibition. Hopes about finding a volunteer in Omagh.

The latest news about the move to AbilityNet is that a new administrator for us (replacing a part-time official in BCS) is proceeding and that several strong candidates have been shortlisted.

During October we assisted fourteen times, with three new clients referrals from AbilityNet, and one new client a referral from Lisburn in Focus, the remaining ten were repeat calls.

After the meeting with Remap, Jonny Hammond kindly prepared a short piece for the OT News, and this has been submitted for publication. His note briefly described his experience as an OT and IT Can Help volunteer. I’ll be happy to forward you a copy, if requested. My attempt to construct an overview of the involvement of OT’s in ICT has , so far, foundered, as requests for input have been ignored by OT’s approached (probably because they are overworked).

I’ve received one new volunteer application this month.

On the 7 October I took a stand at the Business in the Community Connect-Ability exhibition held at the Police College. A good percentage of the people who expressed an interest in IT Can Help were from the HR departments of public service bodies – they will hopefully take back the message to employees that they can contribute to the well-being of disabled people by volunteering with us.

This month we welcome new volunteer Charles Clarke, from Belfast, who has already done three visits, so I think that must be a record for a new volunteer.

No responses yet from the Omagh area in my attempt to recruit there; just yesterday posted a volunteer opportunity, in Omagh, on the VolunteerNow website. While I was there posted a volunteer opportunity for a marketing person

Last updated 12 years 11 months ago