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Introducing CommunityNI’s new features

CommunityNI is launching two new features to help widen access to services and better meet the needs of communities.

The first is a new service feature for organisations to list details of the help they can offer and how people can access the support.  Looking ahead to premises safely reopening, we have also developed a new tool for listing venues, office rental or community spaces. 

Covid19 has shown just how much the isolated, elderly, and vulnerable in our community need to find and access support in their local area.  We introduced the listing of Covid related services at the start of the pandemic and since then we have seen huge demand from users accessing the site and finding the vital support they need at the most critical time. This need for accurate, up to date digital information has a critical role to play beyond the Covid crisis. CommunityNI will enable the matching and provision of community services to meet individual and emerging community needs. 


As we begin to emerge from lockdown many community organisations will be ready to promote their facilities once more. Our new venue listing facility will showcase community buildings available for use across local communities and within Council areas. This centralised online up to date listing of community centres, church halls, sports clubs and other venues can help promote facilities and open up more shared spaces. 


Get listing 

Already have a CommunityNI account?  Simply log in and begin posting your service or venue today.  

New to CommunityNI?  Sign up for a free account here and once set up, you are free to add your services and venue information along with long established features such as listing your job, board vacancies, events, and news. 


Need help? 

As always if you need help using the site, get in touch with the CommunityNI team and we’ll get you up and running. 


Last updated 4 years ago