Internet safety awareness for young people and adults

In light of recent events apsleyeducation has available at very ke en costs two internet safety presentations:-
1. for youth groups addressing the risks of online abuse, and
2. an adult and friends presentation making light of todays internet services


Internet Safety awareness

Recent research by the Child expolitation and online protection organisation has identified that young people are now at

even greater risk from Paedophile activities online.

If you would like to offer Internet awareness training to your young people in your area and indeed to parents as well then

Contact (

For further information at affordable pricing!  

for Adults -  

A single two hour adult workshop on the ‘dangers of the internet for young people’; this program would address the following-

  1. What is the internet and how does it work;
  2. Terminology
  3. What is social networking and chat rooms
  4. Internet grooming
  5. Audio visual presentation
  6. What is cyber bullying and how to recognise it;
  7. Consequences of bullying and grooming-addressing potential suicide
  8. Parental controls and reporting abuse
  9. Virus and spam protection - Free sources
  10. Q&A

For young people - ( 1 - 11/2 hour) how to stay safe online, how to deal with 'suspicious or bogus friends'  protecting yourself from threats dealing with cyber bullying and much more!!

Last updated 12 years 1 month ago