Interactive budgeting tool launched to help consumers identify areas to save money

The Council Consumer has launched a new free online interactive budgeting tool to help households take control of their spending and identify areas where they can potentially save money.

Scott Kennerley, Director of Financial Services at The Consumer Council, said: “Our new online budgeting tool provides consumers with a spending report that allows them to easily and transparently review their spending and see where their money is going.

“Consumers are also able to see what typical households in Northern Ireland are spending in areas such as energy, food and travel costs. This can help consumers see how their spending compares against other households and potentially identify key areas to cut costs.”

Advising anyone wishing to use the tool, Scott added: “There is no need to enter any sensitive personal or banking information, as our budgeting tool is straightforward to use and only requires you to enter your income and outgoings.”

The interactive budgeting tool is available by visiting

Last updated 4 years 5 months ago