Identifying Social Policy Issues

Monday, 24 April 2017 - 9:30am to 1:00pm

This half day training course will enable you to understand and identify what social policy issues are and how you can gather evidence and record the issues more effectively for campaigning and lobbying purposes. It will also look at practical steps that can be taken to address social policy issues.

Who Should Attend: 

The course is aimed at front line advisers, sign posters and support workers to build upon their one to one advice and casework skillset to overcome systematic obstacles. It is also useful for anyone interested in the social policy work or embarking on a social policy career.


There is a charge of £30 to Advice NI Members, £45 to Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and £65 to Private and Statutory Sector organisations.

CPD Hours: 

There are 3 CPD hours available for this course.

Education/Professional Framework: 

This course can be used as evidence towards a range of units in our Advice and Guidance NVQ’s and Legal Advice qualifications including ‘Manage Personal Case Load’ (Unit 14). It is also linked to the National Occupational Standards for Legal Advisers including ‘Providing Initial Legal Advice in Consumer Law’.This training will help you to identify and effectively record social policy issues and give you some practical steps to enable your agency to highlight these to policy makers.


Last updated 7 years 3 months ago