Human Rights and Equality in Practice: Policy and Practice

Monday, 8 January 2018 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm

The Human Rights and Equality in Practice Training is tailor-made for the advice sector in dealing with their service users who are coming from different backgrounds and walks of life. In most cases, they are the most vulnerable people in our society whether they are ethnic and religious minorities, asylum seekers and refugees, disabled and elderly people, lone parents, or carers. The increasing challenge under austerity cuts is the common phenomenon within the advice sector to provide advocacy, advice and support to these vulnerable people in our society. The training is set up in the context of human rights and equality to advocate change in the austerity cuts environment while fulfilling our obligation to human rights and equality in delivering our services to the most vulnerable groups in our society through the current Human Rights Act 1998 and equality law in Northern Ireland. The training will give participants an opportunity to reflect on their mindsets in terms of prejudice, assumptions and stereotyping that shapes our attitudes. Then we will explore discrimination in our society and in the work place. Finally, we will look at multiple identities and oppression. The format of the training is through structured exercise and case studies with debriefing thereafter.

Who Should Attend: 

Advice NI Volunteers and Staff

CPD Hours: 

3 hours


Last updated 6 years 6 months ago