HSELanD Extends Service Offering With Release of Improving Quality Exchange (IQX) Hub

The Health Service Executive’s online learning and development portal, HSELanD, announces the launch of a new practice development hub, the Improving Quality Exchange hub, or IQX.

The IQX hub, which is one of 13 practice development hubs on HSELanD, was developed in partnership with online learning specialists Aurion Learning to meet the changing needs of the HSE and deliver efficiencies. 

Hosted on HSELanD, the IQX hub provides an information repository, exchange and networking platform for healthcare personnel throughout Ireland who are interested in or involved in quality improvement work and would like to share their experiences and lessons learnt with colleagues.

Commissioned via the Productive Ward team, the hub provides information and support on the following quality improvement initiatives:

  • The Productive Ward: Releasing Time to CareTM
  • The Productive Operating TheatreTM
  • Clinical Microsystems
  • RCSI- Quality improvement projects via the Institute of Leadership
  • Quality Improvement Division: QPSD –National Quality initiatives

The hub currently focuses on the Productive Ward: Releasing Time to CareTM initiative which have been rolled out to a large number of hospitals throughout the country.  It contains a wide variety of practical resources and tools, including:

  • Details on the support and training that is available to those who are starting their Productive Ward: Releasing Time to CareTM journey.
  • Useful resources and templates to help those who are starting their Productive Ward: Releasing Time to CareTM journey locally.
  • Video interviews with teams who have implemented the initiative, highlighting the journey, the quality improvements that were made and the positive results in patient care that followed.


In addition, users of the hub can post their own tips, success stories and challenges related to Productive Ward: Releasing Time to CareTM and other quality initiatives, including the Productive Operating Theatre, Clinical Microsystems, RCSI and QID: QPSD elements of the IQX Hub will be developed over the coming months.

“The launch of the IQX hub marks a new and important step forward for users of HSELanD. The hub is the latest in a series of quality learning initiatives to help healthcare staff across multiple disciplines, ultimately improve patient care.” Said Pat Kenny, National E-Learning Manager, HSE

“Existing users of HSELanD can avail of this resource through the practice development hub section and those new to the online learning and development portal can register their details and start reaping the benefits from this hub and other learning and development resources.” He added.

 Mark White, National Lead, Productive Ward: Releasing Time to CareTM  initiative said:

 “The establishment of the IQX Hub is an important step in supporting future collaboration between the main quality improvement initiatives underway nationally, both at national and local levels.”

“In addition, the IQX hub will play a key role in facilitating the transition of the Productive Ward: Releasing Time to Care™ initiative from the test and pilot phase to ownership and further roll-out by newly established hospital groups.  We look forward to hearing about your experiences of interacting with the IQX Hub, sharing the learning from front-line teams and developing the resource further in the coming months.” Added Miriam Bell, Area Co-ordinator Productive Ward: Releasing Time to CareTM  HSE South / IQX Hub Project Lead

The Improving Quality Exchange Hub can be accessed at www.hseland.ie


The IQX Hub is supported by Clinical Strategy and Programmes Directorate, the Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director, the Acute Services Directorate and the Quality Improvement Division of the Quality and Patient Safety Directorate.

HSELanD is a free resource available to all healthcare professionals within the HSE, health care and voluntary organisations throughout the Republic of Ireland. HSELanD provides a central source of high quality online training, learning and development.

For more information, visit www.aurionlearning.com or follow @aurionlearning on Twitter.


Last updated 10 years 3 months ago