CallSwitch for Teams business telecoms solutions from Standard Utilities

How to make the most of MS Teams

Did you know that MS Teams used to be Skype for Business? Teams has certainly come a long way since the old Skype days and works wonderfully with a host of integrated software packages. Learn more about combining free MS Teams with cutting-edge solutions.

You'll likely remember the days of using Skype for business and personal communications and the pros and cons of manipulating free software that was, at best, intermittent in terms of reliability.

The telecoms industry has changed rapidly, bringing with it new platforms from UK players like CallSwitch, part of the TelcoSwitch group.

CallSwitch for Teams is one of their latest business telecoms solutions that combines MS Teams with a CallSwitch software that delivers all your business communication needs in the one go.

If you already use Teams, you'll continue to make your calls through the MS Teams platform - just without the cost of expensive call bundles. And if you don't use Teams, you can download many versions entirely free.

CallSwitch for Teams delivers a host of benefits that include:

  • Call routing
  • Call recording (with the option for compliance plug-ins)
  • Enhanced resilience
  • CRM integration
  • International numbering (local numbers shown when dialling out)
  • Low cost and inclusive call bundles
  • UK support services


So if you use MS Teams and want a robust solution that simplifies technical integration and minimises employee learning, CallSwitch for Teams delivers not just on cost, but on productivity and security too.

While Microsoft Teams has around 115 million active daily users, less than 10% of businesses actually opt for the full MS Teams call plan because of product limitations, expensive call packages and some limited functionality.

Standard Utilities works with CallSwitch to deliver the perfect solution of combining globally-leading software, with an award-winning integrated platform that sits at a fraction of the price of the MS Teams call packages.

Call us today on 028 9032 8888 (NI), 01 908 8888 (ROI), 0207 046 7840 (GB) to learn more about business telecoms solutions that combine software integration that works from anywhere there's an internet connection.

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Last updated 3 years 2 months ago