How investment ready are you? DfC seeking organisations to take part in a pilot business support programme

Kicking off on the 24th October, the Department for Communities is piloting an ‘Investment Readiness Programme’ for third sector organisations.

This business support programme will help organisations assess how ready they are to take on social finance, and take steps to achieving new investment. PwC and design agency Uscreates are designing and leading the pilot on behalf of the Department.

The pilot - which runs until March 2017 - consists of 3 elements:

  1. A social investment toolkit and self-assessment tool that helps organisations understand where they are on the journey towards social investment.
  2. One to one business mentoring and support for a small number of organisations to progress investment opportunities.
  3. Gathering insight and feedback throughout the process to develop recommendations for a full Investment Readiness programme. 

We are now seeking organisations to take part in the pilot.

If you’d like to apply to be part of the pilot and receive one to one support, please first read the toolkit and complete the self-assessment tool. This will be available to download from the Department’s website from the 24th October:

The closing date for applications is 10.00 am on Monday 7th November.

We have already conducted some user testing of the toolkit at two events in October, with a number of third sector organisations. However we are continuing to seek feedback on the toolkit and self-assessment tool throughout the pilot, and there is a feedback form within the tool.

We look forward to receiving your applications.

Last updated 7 years 8 months ago