Housing Associations on track to deliver 8,000 homes

Northern Ireland housing associations are on course to deliver 8,000 social and affordable homes by 2015 and meet government targets, according to the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA).

The announcement comes as the Department for Social Development confirmed the start of 1,410 social homes by housing associations, which meets targets outlined in the Programme for Government for 2011-2012. It is in line with the Northern Ireland Executive’s commitments to provide 8,000 social and affordable homes by 2015.

In the last year 643 households also gained access to the property ladder through Co-Ownership Housing.

Welcoming the publication of the figures Cameron Watt, Chief Executive Designate of NIFHA, said: "It is great to have confirmation that the annual target for new social and affordable homes has been met.  Our members’ ability to match Government funding with significant private investment in new social homes is providing Northern Ireland with valuable jobs and sustaining much needed economic activity. 

“We congratulate our housing association members and their partners, including the Department for Social Development, Northern Ireland Housing Executive and the Planning Service for the success achieved in the midst of challenging market conditions.

“I am delighted that by working together we are on track to deliver the NI Executive’s Programme for Government target of 8,000 new homes by 2015 which will help meet housing need and also assist hundreds to take their first step onto the housing ladder through co-ownership.

He added: “Housing associations are producing impressive results on the ground despite economic turbulence and should be commended.”

Established in 1977, NIFHA is independent of the government, political parties and private interests. It promotes all 30 registered housing associations in Northern Ireland and acts on behalf of their interests.


Notes for editors:

1. The Programme for Government set a target of 8000 new social homes and affordable homes to be delivered by 2015.  Equating to 2000 units per year. 2053 homes have been delivered in 2011/12.

2. Total funding of £205 million, started 1410 new social homes and 767 Disabled adaptations.  This was made up of £139 million of Housing Association Grant and £66 million in private finance by Housing Associations.

3. 643 Co Ownership homes were delivered for £28.25 million of Housing Association Grant, compared to 492 in 2010/11.

4. Total maintenance based on estimates pending finalised figures are:

  • External Cyclical Maintenance/Double Glazing/ Special Revenue (work to multi storeys)  – 9,011 schemes - £16,936,000
  • Heating – 5,926 schemes - £31,483,000
  • Kitchens – 4,314 schemes - £16,768,000


  1. There are 30 registered housing associations in NI, all of which are members of NIFHA.
  2. Housing associations manage around 38,000 units of rented accommodation - approximately a third all social housing in NI – Source: NIHE.
  3. 21,000 households in NI have received assistance purchasing their own homes through Co-ownership Housing; in the last year 643 households gained access to the property ladder through Co-Ownership.
  4. Since 1991/92, 6,639 additional homes were provided through private finance from Housing Associations – Source: DSD.
  5. Collectively, Housing Associations have secured more than £626.2million of private finance to assist with social house building in Northern Ireland since 1991.

 For all media queries or interviews, please contact Stephen McGrath on 028 9034 7310 or mobile 079 8947 5561 or email [email protected]

Last updated 12 years 1 month ago