FREE Volunteer Management Review for volunteer involving organisations.

  • Would you like a FREE Health Check to see how you are managing your volunteers?
  • Are you an organisation with an annual income of under £100,000?
  • Are you based in Belfast, Fermanagh, Newry & Mourne, Armagh, Dungannon, Downpatrick, North Down, Ards, Lisburn, Castlereagh, Newtownabbey, Antrim, Carrickfergus, Ballymena or Larne?
  • Would you like to get one step closer to achieving the Investing in Volunteers Quality Standard?


Volunteer Now is currently offering a limited number of free health checks to organisations in relation to their volunteer management practice. By using the Investing in Volunteers framework, a member of staff from Vounteer Now will benchmark your organisation against the standard and provide you with a development plan clearly outlining any areas for improvement/gaps in practice and signposting to where you could get help to address them.

You can use your Health Check to plan your development and improve your volunteer management practice. It also means that, if you wish, you are one step closer to achieving the Investing in Volunteers award. If you choose to address your development plan within six months of the Health Check, we will offer to assess you for the Award at a reduced rate!

Comments from organisations who have benefited from these Health Checks are very positive:

"Having learned of the free 'Health Check' offered by Volunteer Now, I was very interested to avail of this.   They committed considerable time & effort to providing a full assessment of our current practices & policies.  As a Co-ordinator of two busy Contact Centres, managing a large volunteer team, I found the experience extremely useful.  Volunteer Now was able to identify the areas we were doing well, as well as any gaps and this has now improved our ongoing practice.  I would recommend this experience to both established and new organisations alike."

Mary-Anne Doherty, Newtownards & Bangor Child Contact Centre


"Volunteer Now conducted a Health Check in respect of the Investing in Volunteers Quality Standard, which Positive Life are now working towards.  The Health Check was a very objective and worthwhile exercise and this together with the development plan which was drawn up after the Check has proved to be very valuable in work planning, volunteer management and ultimately in implementing a coherent volunteer management framework.  This  has resulted in the successful attraction, selection, recruitment, motivation and retention of our valuable volunteer team."

Michelle Penney

Positive Life NI

If you are interested in finding out more, contact Sandra Faulkner on 028 9023 2020 or email [email protected] as soon as possible.

If you would like a Health Check and don't fit the criteria for a free check please contact David Fitzsimons by email [email protected] or on 028 9082 8330.

For more information go to


Last updated 9 years 11 months ago