‘Hope Starts at Home’ for Young Down’s Syndrome Adults

A group of young adults from the Down’s Syndrome Association have donned their hard hats and dusted down their tools to help build a future for orphans and vulnerable children.

Having already spent a week building homes for families in need in Romania earlier this year, the group are now supporting Habitat NI’s ‘Hope Starts at Home’ campaign, asking people across Northern Ireland to buy a gift of hope this Christmas.

From essential tools, a roof,  clean water to a complete home there is a gift to suit everyone and importantly every gift will support a child who is without family, shelter or a future.

War, disaster and HIV/Aids are devastating countries worldwide resulting in millions of orphans and vulnerable children.

Unable to cope with the overwhelming number of orphans and vulnerable children families and communities are immersed in poverty, living in unhealthy and unsafe environments.

Habitat is committed to keeping vulnerable children within their own communities and has developed a holistic programme underpinned by vital shelter and including social welfare and emotional support, health care, education and livelihood support.  

The support of people from across Northern Ireland will allow Habitat to extend the reach of the programme further, serving thousands of orphans over the next year.

Speaking from Habitat’s site at Templemore Avenue, East Belfast, Stuart Reid from the Down’s Syndrome Association team asked Northern Ireland to get behind the campaign.

 “We’ve been working very hard and we really helped the families in Romania build a new house. It’s nearly Christmas and we want everyone to help Habitat like we have.”

Habitat Northern Ireland’s Chief Executive, Jenny Williams:

“Our partnership with the Down’s Syndrome Association has been such an encouraging experience for Habitat.

We wanted to launch this appeal with those who know firsthand how a simple home transforms the lives of families in need - our volunteers. The very people who dedicate such time and hard work to transforming the lives of families in need and the DSA team are a great example of that.

Your support for Hope Starts at Home is vital, so that we can help orphans and vulnerable children have a safe place to call home and a future to look forward to.”

Simply log on to www.habitatni.co.uk/ChristmasHope and with one click buy a life changing gift of Hope this Christmas.

Last updated 12 years 3 months ago