Help improve access to cash in Northern Ireland

The Consumer Council is encouraging individual consumers or local organisations to take part in a new initiative to help improve access to cash within Northern Ireland.

Eimear Duffy, Senior Policy Officer at The Consumer Council, said: “Northern Ireland has the highest percentage (37%) of people who prefer to pay by cash compared to other regions in the UK. Many consumers who use cash are from vulnerable groups, such as older people or those living in rural areas.

In 2018 an independent ‘Access to Cash’ review considered consumer requirements for cash over the next five to fifteen years. One of the initiatives to come out of the review has been Community Access to Cash Pilots across the UK, which were launched on 17 June 2020. Unfortunately, as yet, no applications have been received from Northern Ireland.

“We would encourage individuals or local organisations to take part in these pilots. Successful applicants will work with payments experts to create new approaches, which could include helping local shops to give cashback, supporting groups to become more comfortable making digital payments, or developing solutions to help small businesses continue to bank cash.”

If you or your organisation would like to take part the scheme, please contact [email protected] or telephone 07738349045 by 30 June 2020.

Last updated 4 years ago