Healthy Life! Happy Life!

The Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) has teamed up with Live Unltd to launch the ‘Healthy Life! Happy Life!’ awards scheme.

The awards are for innovative and entrepreneurial young people so they can design a project to help address health and wellbeing issues within their own communities.

The first of its kind in the Western Trust area, ‘Healthy Life! Happy Life!’ is designed for young people from Tyrone, Derry/Londonderry and Fermanagh, and allows them to apply for financial support to enable them to turn an idea on how to improve health into a reality.

Sonia Montgomery, Assistant Manager with the Western Trust’s Health Improvement Department who is coordinating the programme said: “If you are aged between 11 and 21 year old, the Western Trust in partnership with Live Unltd wants you to design a project that addresses a health issue in your community.

She continued: “We are asking young people to submit their ideas on how they might  design projects help address different issues such as healthy living; health education; community safety; health and the environment; health benefits of contributing to a positive society and children’s rights.”

For the purposes of this competition a max of £500 - £1,500 will be awarded alongside project and personal development support throughout the duration of the award. Closing date for entries is FRIDAY 24 MAY 2013 AT 5PM.

Ashley Whittley, from Live Unltd who fund the awards added: “We also provide a package of support, including advice, training, mentoring and other services to award winners to give their projects the best chance of success. I would say to any young person out there - if you can see a health challenge that you want to take on and turn into a project then we can help make it happen. All you have to do is tell us about you and your project by filling out the application form.  We’ll contact you to have a chat and find out more.  If you’re successful, you’ll become an award winner and we’ll help you launch your project.”

For more information and to see examples of other successful projects, have a look at the website:  or go to the Western Trust’s facebook page or website on:


Last updated 11 years 2 months ago